Pune Warrior Moms Launch Campaign To Demand Clean Air And Blue Skies

Shivajinagar, 5th December 2021: Pune Warrior Moms, a collective of mothers from all over India fighting for children’s right to breathe clean air, has kickstarted the new year (2022) with a campaign that empowers the citizens of Pune to demand clean air and blue skies.
Everyone can be part of this campaign, report violations wherever and whenever they see one by complaining and tagging on social media. Authorities want to help but in the absence of proof, they miss catching the polluters. Post photos, videos, locations and tag warrior moms on any/all social media here
On Tuesday, Corporator Amol Balwadkar met with Warrior Moms to show his support at the lung installation outside the Sambhaji Gardens at JM Road. Pune Mayor Murlidhar Mohol inaugurated this white lungs installation, to give visual proof of the dirty air we breathe because of which our lungs are turning black.
“The irony is that despite the huge garden, this location does not guarantee clean air. The AQI was 73 today. It was 105 yesterday. People jog, walk, run, cycle, and children play outdoors even when the AQI is poor at 200+”, said Anuja Bali, spokesperson for Warrior Moms, who lives in Pune.
With the launch of the #KnowYourRights campaign in Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) and Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC), citizens will have the ease to report violations at any time from anywhere.
She added, “These violations have become the most bothersome sources of air pollution. Garbage and biomass burning, Construction dust, Vehicular emissions, and tree cutting are the biggest reasons for toxic air pollution that is choking us. WHO mandates 0-50 Air Quality index but it is next to impossible with the increase in air pollution.”
She appealed, “Bring the change you wish to see. Join Warrior Moms to #KnowYourRights for your children to breathe clean air. Be a warrior, Sign up Warriors Mom“
Another Warrior Mom Hema Chari said, “Artificial lungs installed here clearly show the urgency to tackle air pollution in Pune. Research has linked air pollution to not just asthma but multiple diseases like high blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke. Children exposed to air pollution are likely to develop more slowly and have the lower cognitive ability. Sources of air pollution are complex and so are the solutions. It’s important to ensure that authorities do right the thing whether it is waste burning on the highway, construction dust or investing in the good public transport system and greening the city.”
Warrior Mom Hamsa Iyer added, “Each one of us needs to do our bit. Segregate three ways: organic, recyclables and reject. We need to ensure that we refuse single-use disposables. Adopt sustainable practices – like using reusable cutlery, menstrual cup/cloth pad, cloth diapering our babies – whatever we can – we must do.”
Spot Fire or Garbage burning in Pune? Take pictures & videos of the incident. Call the Fire Department at 112 or 101.
The contact details of Fire Stations of Pune Fire Brigade are available on the website: https://www.pmc.gov.in/en/firebrigade-stations
File a complaint at any of the below by uploading the photos or videos:
Twitter : Tag @PMCPune
Toll Free No of PMC : 1800 1030 222
Website : https://complaint.pmc.gov.in/home
Application : PUNE Connect (PMC Care) PMC
Website : https://www.pmc.gov.in/en/node/168477
PCMC Mobile App : Sarathi App (for all complaints) 24/7
PCMC Sarathi Garbage burning Helpline : 88880 06666
Email PCMC : [email protected] | [email protected]
Twitter : @PCMCSarathi | @pcmcindiagovin
Facebook : @pcmcindia.gov.in
Instagram : @pcmcsmartsarathi 24/7
Toll Free No. : 1800 233 0666
Website : www.pcmcindia.gov.in
See Trees being cut in Pune?
- Take pictures & videos of the incident.
- Ask the tree cutters for permission letter from the Tree Authority Department of Pune Municipal Corporation.
- If they do not have a permission letter, call 112 or 100 and ask for the PCR to arrive on location.
- Also tweet (@PuneCityPolice) While you wait for PCR to arrive, call and inform the Pune Municipal Corporation on 1800-1030-222 and tweet to Pune Municipal Corporation (@PMCPune) and Maharashtra Minister of Environment (@AUThackeray).
- Upon arrival of the PCR, ask them to stop the work and maintain status quo till Local Police arrives.
- Upon arrival of Local Police, ask them to call the Pune Municipal Corporation to verify the authenticity of Permission.
- If the permission is not authentic or cutting is happening beyond which has been permitted, then ask them to register an FIR under The Maharashtra (Urban Areas) Protection & Preservation of Trees Act, 1975 and inform the Tree Authority Department of Pune Municipal Corporation of the same.
- Request that the implements and felled wood be seized.
- Give a written complaint with details of what, where, when, why and how things happened and take a copy with receiving stamp from the Police station.
- Also raise the complaint with Pune Municipal Corporation on toll free number 1800-1030-222 along with the website.
- Also write separately to your concerned Tree Officer and other senior officers of the Tree Authority Department.
- The List of Tree Officers as per wards is available on : https://www.pmc.gov.in/en/tree-authorityofficers
- Call/Whatsapp about Tree Cutting with photo, video and location
- Website Link: https://complaint.pmc.gov.in/home
- For PMC : Mr. Ghorpade 96899 31960
- For PCMC Udyan Adhikshak : Mr. Gosavi 99225 01932 PCMC Mobile App : Sarathi App (for all complaints)
- Email PCMC : [email protected] | [email protected]
- Twitter : @PCMCSarathi | @pcmcindiagovin
- Facebook : @pcmcindia.gov.in
- Instagram : @pcmcsmartsarathi 24/7
- Toll Free No. : 1800 233 0666
- Website : www.pcmcindia.gov.in
Vehicular Pollution and Smoke in Pune?
Pollution from Illegal Industry, Road Dust, Visible Vehicular Emission, Traffic Congestion, Construction or Demolition Activity, Air Pollution from Generator, Leaf Burning, Industrial Waste Burning, Fire in Landfill Sites, Industrial Emission, Open Dumping of Garbage, Open Garbage Burning, Unpaved Road or Pit etc.
- Take photos/videos.
- File a complaint at any of the following.
- Make sure you upload your photos & videos with the complaint.
- Mobile App : PUNE Connect (PMC Care)
- Email ID : [email protected]
- Twitter : @pmcpune
- Facebook : facebook.com/PMCPune
- Toll Free No. : 1800 1030 222
- Website: https://complaint.pmc.gov.in/home
- PMC Website : https://www.pmc.gov.in/en/node/168477
- Maharashtra Pollution Control Board Phone No. : 022-24010437 | 022-24020781
- Twitter : @mpcb_official
- Facebook : @MPCBOfficial
- Instagram : @mpcb_official
- Email ID for complaints : [email protected]
- PMC : [email protected]
- PCMC : [email protected]
- Website : https://complaint.pmc.gov.in/home
- Whatsapp PMC : 96899 00002 (send photo, videos)
- PCMC Mobile App for all complaints : Sarathi App
- Email PCMC : [email protected] | [email protected]
- Twitter : @PCMCSarathi | @pcmcindiagovin
- Facebook : @pcmcindia.gov.in
- Instagram : @pcmcsmartsarathi 24/7
- Toll Free No. : 1800 233 0666
- Website : www.pcmcindia.gov.in
- PCMC Paryavaran Dept (Mon to Fri | 10 AM to 5.30 PM): 020-6733 1343
- PCMC Traffic Dept : 100
- E-governance Dept (10 AM to 5.30 PM) : 020-6733 1110
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