Rakhi Shetty from Pune is the new President of National Council of Women in India

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Pune, May 03: Rakhi Shetty from Pune has been unanimously elected as the President of the National Council of Women in India (NCWI) for the period of three years (2017-2020). The election process was recently held in Shimla during their National Conference. Other office bearers of NCWI include Chaitrali Satpute (Vice President), Naina Hegde (Honorary Secretary) and Armin Govekar (Honorary Treasurer).


In the past, Rakhi Shetty has served as the President of the Poona Women’s Council and has also served as the Individual Vice President of the NCWI. Due to her election as the National President, the NCWI will be headquartered in Pune during this term.


The newly elected President, Rakhi Shetty declared the focus topic of her term as ‘Health of Women and Children’ with primary focus being on mental & emotional health addressing the increasing suicide rate amongst women and children which is currently a major concern.


Founded in 1923, NCWI is a 94-year-old non-profit organization which focusses on providing social, educational and health services to women and children of the disadvantaged sections of the society. The goals of the NCWI are successfully achieved through the concerted and dedicated work done by its 20 affiliated State Councils in India.