A Screening Camp for Prostate Disorders was held at the Command Hospital (Southern Command), Pune on 05 Mar 2017. The Camp was hosted and organised by Command Hospital (Southern Command) and supported by Care India Medical Society, Bhavani Peth, Pune. The aim of the camp was to garner attention of all aging men on prostate disorders especially prostate cancer. There was an overwhelming response to the camp, with 210 Senior Citizens from all walks of life, including the veterans, attending the camp. The camp was inaugurated by Major General DEEPAK KALRA, VSM**, Major General (Medical), HQ Southern Command, Pune. He later interacted with the senior citizens.
The Senior citizens were screened free of cost for prostate disorders by a team of Urologist led by Colonel S Tripathy, Classified Specialist (Surgery) & Urologist along with Lieutenant Colonel Amit Agrawal, Classified Specialist (Surgery) & Urologist & Lieutenant Colonel Deepak Kumar, Classified Specialist (Surgery) & Urologist. The screening process involved a thorough physical examination of all patients, collection of blood sample for estimation of prostate specific antigen (PSA) and an ultra sonography of the kidneys, ureters, bladder and the prostate which was done by the team of radiologists headed by Colonel Samar Chatterjee, Senior Advisor (Radio diagnosis). The specialist officers were assisted by a team of Nursing Officers and the paramedics for the smooth conduct of the camp. These patients would now be followed up in the hospital’s Urology OPD for any disease which would be detected and treated on its merit subsequently. An audiovisual presentation on prostatic disorders was also screened at the venue in order to spread awareness of prostate disorders.