Tata AIG launches Elder Care – A Comprehensive Health Insurance Policy for One’s Golden Years

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Mumbai, October 03, 2023: Tata AIG General Insurance Co. Ltd., one of the leading insurance provider, has announced the launch of a comprehensive health insurance policy for senior citizens – Tata AIG Elder Care – comprising of a blend of medical coverages and a number of home care, preventive health and wellness features. Tata AIG Elder Care Product is customised to meet the diverse healthcare needs of individuals aged 61 years and above, so that they can lead their golden years in a stress-free, comfortable and secure manner.

Health insurance for senior citizens plays a key role in helping them manage medical exigencies, while maintaining control on their expenses. As people age, their healthcare needs tend to increase, and the risk of medical expenses becomes more pronounced. As a result, having a robust health insurance policy tailored to the specific requirements of senior citizens is a crucial component of one’s well-rounded financial planning. To address the rising cost of medical expenses, and to offer respite for senior citizens after a medical episode, Tata AIG has introduced Elder Care – a much-needed health insurance product for senior citizens.

Tata AIG Elder Care policy has been meticulously crafted to encompass a wide spectrum of medical requirements that senior citizens may not anticipate, but may require as they age. Tata AIG Elder Care not only focuses on covering curative health care, but also on preventive and assisted health care ecosystem. Additionally, this policy offers annual preventive health consultations for specified specialities every year irrespective of claims. In cases of dire circumstances, the compassionate care feature plays a very vital role if one requires care and attention at home. This policy also focuses on providing health care at home apart from providing assistance to senior citizens with the help of personalized health manager.

As a legacy of trust, Tata AIG assures policyholders that their health insurance remains uncompromised, especially during their golden years when health and well-being take precedence.

Neelesh Garg, MD & CEO, Tata AIG General Insurance Co. Ltd., said “As we embark on a journey of redefining care and protection, we are thrilled to introduce Tata AIG Elder Care, a testament to our commitment to our senior citizens. With a blend of compassion, innovation and comprehensive coverage, this policy encapsulates our dedication to ensuring the well-being and comfort of our seniors during their golden years. Tata AIG Elder Care reflects our unwavering promise to be a steadfast and trusted partner in safeguarding their health and happiness. “

Tata AIG Elder Care sets itself apart from other insurance policies, as it offers the following key features that truly cater to the unique needs of senior citizens:

· Home Nursing Services: Insured person can avail home nursing services as a part of post-operative care at home for up to 7 days per person in a policy year.

· Personalized Health Manager: A dedicated health manager will assist insured person in scheduling appointments and coordinating services, ensuring seamless access to healthcare as a part of post operative care.

· Home Physiotherapy: Insured person can avail of up to 10 physiotherapy sessions at home within India in case they undergo a joint replacement surgery, stroke, or paralysis.

· Wellness Services: Insured person can also access wellness services at their fingertips through our customer app, such as tele-consultations, diet and nutrition consultations, and discounts on diagnostic tests, medicine, medical devices, health supplements and other health related services. Home delivery services for pharmacy are also offered upon the request wherever available.

About Tata AIG General Insurance Co. Limited

Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited is a joint venture company between Tata Group and American International Group (AIG). Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited celebrates 22 years of service this year since it commenced operations in India on January 22, 2001. The Company has grown strongly to emerge as one of the preferred private general insurance companies in India with several pioneering firsts to its credit. Driven by a mission to create better tomorrows for customers by delivering trustworthy and innovative insurance products, Tata AIG’s broad portfolio of protection covers for businesses and individuals, are backed by years of professional expertise in product offerings, service capabilities and seamless claims process management.

As on March 31, 2023, Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited, has achieved compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 35%. The company has issued over 12+ million policies, settled 1.5+ million claims. As on 31st March 2023, its Gross Written Premium (GWP) at Rs 13,448 crores. With 213 offices spread across the country, Tata AIG General Insurance Company Limited has a robust multi-channel distribution network of 76000 plus licensed agents including POSP, 550+ licensed brokers and bancassurance partners; a workforce of 8200+ employees, including 900+ full time claim experts, spread over 170 locations, tie-ups with 6500+ workshops and 8100+ network hospitals and worldwide network of claim servicing partners and a dedicated customer service & operations team, consistently delivering desired customer service experiences, powered by the latest innovations in technology.