The Child Who Was Handed Over To American Soldiers From Wall Of Kabul Airport Has Disappeared Since Past Three Months

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Kabul, 6th November 2021: The child, who was taken by American soldiers from the wall of Kabul airport, has been missing for the last three months. This came to light on Friday. On this, US State Department officials say that they are looking for Sohail Ahmadi, about 5 months old.

In August, when the child’s family members handed him over to American soldiers, he was just two months old. According to a Reuters report, US officials say they are doing everything possible to trace the child. An alert has also been issued for the search of the child through the International Center for Missing and Exploited Children.

The child’s father, Mirza Ali Ahmadi, worked as a guard at the US Embassy. Ahmadi and his wife Suraya, along with their five children, arrived at Kabul International Airport on August 19. During that time there was a huge crowd of Afghans and people from other countries at Kabul Airport, who wanted to leave Afghanistan. Meanwhile, the relatives had caught their innocent child from the wall itself to the American soldiers.

The rush to escape the brutal Taliban regime seems to be weighing them down and their innocent child is missing.

Sohail Ahmadi’s mother Suraya says she was not the only one who handed over her children to US soldiers. He said that we had caught the child thinking that at a distance of 16 feet we would go inside and meet the child, but it could not happen.

Ahmadi and Suraya said that they have not received any information about their child so far and are getting different information. Suraya said that at the moment I am thinking only about my child. He said that first we were informed that the child has been shifted to a different place at the airport itself. After this, it was said that he had reached Qatar.

Except for Sohail Ahmadi, the rest of the family has reached Texas in America via Qatar. Since then, the family hopes that little Sohail will meet them soon. Meanwhile, all the other children who were taken by the American soldiers with the support of that wall are with their parents. In such a situation, the concerns of Sohail Ahmadi’s family members have increased.