The English Theatrical On Gauhar Jaan, India’s first Superstar, To Be Staged In Pune

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Pune, 22nd February 2016: Gauhar Jaan, the gifted musician of India was the first Indian performer to record her music way back in the year 1902. Gauhar Jaan was an Armenian Christian who later converted to Islam and had a wide repertoire and made exquisite music of the time!

Tracing the story of one of India’s first mass media superstars at the turn of the last century, The Primetime Theatre Company of Lillete Dubey, as a centerpiece of its 25th anniversary, is all set to bring the English play ‘GAUHAR’ to Pune with the support of Merint Group. Organised by the Rotary Club of Koregaon Park, Pune as a fundraiser, this show will be staged in Pune for the very first time on Sunday, February 28th at Susie Sorabji Auditorium at 7.30pm.

Gauhar Jaan’s signature tune in high – pitched and flirtatious voice ‘My name is Gauhar Jaan’, at the end of all her recordings, epitomised a milestone in the history of Indian classical music. Her fame travelled to Europe with her face emblazoned on matchboxes and postcards too! ‘GAUHAR’ lays bare her life with all its attendant myths, legends and folklore, some of which are recorded, some apocryphal and of the times during which she lived and made exquisite music.

Directed by Lillete Dubey and written by Mahesh Dattani this theatrical is inspired by Vikram Sampath’s ‘My name is Gauhar Jaan’. The play features in its cast the renowned actor Rajeshwari Sachdev, the famed Sufi singer Zila Khan, Denzil Smith, Anuj Gurwara, Danny Sura, Gillian Pinto and Pravishi Dass.

This play portrays Gauhar’s independent life style and feisty nature that symbolised the indomitable spirit of the resurgent women musicians of her time. It also offers an exciting glimpse of that period. Allahabad, Benares, Lucknow and Kolkata at the turn of the 20th century, both from the historical, political and cultural point of view!

The tickets for this show can be bought through The funds raised through the sale of these tickets will be used for community projects by Rotary Club of Koregaon Park.