The Silk Odyssey, 2017- 2018: A “Dream Ride” on Motorcycles from India to London 19 countries 137 days
December 6, 2016: Motorbiking across multiple international boundaries is an exhilarating experience. Its a once in a life time opportunity. This is the first time in our country that such a motorbike expedition of such a magnitude is being organized and will be carried out in March 2017. The final destination of this extra ordinary journey will be The ACE CAFE (London). The SILK ODYSSEY 2017 team will ride through the less traveled but historic Silk Route- Myanmar, China, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan and Russia. These countries offer fantastic landscapes and places where a rider would die to be. This ride shall witness a world record.
The team comprises of four avid riders- Kumar Shah, age 55; Rahul Amin, age 46; Dinesh Dawda; age 47; and Dr. Bhavin Kodiyatar, age 36. Out of the four riders, two riders- Kumar Shah and Dinesh Dawda despite of facing health challenges and one of the rider- Rahul Amin who’s physically challenged, his condition is known as the Hemiplegia continue to take on this journey as biking is their sole passion.
The team will be visiting Handicap Associations in all cities, in all countries en-route and their main aim is to meet interact and encourage the physically challenged. They believe that a physical condition should by no means be a barrier or a cause for you to not achieve all that you wish to.
What makes this expedition so unique? This is going to be one of those journeys which will witness three riders who despite of facing health challenges have taken a step forward to spread social awareness on physical disability and encourage the physically challenged. They will be visiting 19 countries in 137 days. The team will be traveling from Ahemdabad, crossing Pune and then going ahead with their journey. Jayant Kaneria, Director and promoter of Club 29 (Pune’s only Sportainment destination) and also one of the supporters and integral part of this one of a kind of social cause considers this opportunity very close to his heart as his brother is also a victim of a physical disability. He says,”We are glad to be a part of The Silk Odyssey 2017- 2018 expedition. We support this social cause and believe that by promoting this, people will seek the inspiration that a physical disability shouldn’t get into ones way to achieve what they dream to”.
Rider Kumar Shah, is a publisher and an international motorbiker having traveled from Vadodara city in India to London on his motorbike 350 cc Enfield through the Silk Route in 2013-14. This unique journey was through 14 countries and took 76 days. He is the lead rider of the team. He has survived three heart attacks in succession and fought his way through. He has been riding since 1978 and now rides but under the keen eye of his cardiologist. He is conducting the SILK ODYSSEY 2017 for the team and his riding experience shall be of great assistance.
A Physically Challenged (Hemiplegia)- Rider, Rahul Amin is attempting a World Record by riding a 150 cc Aprilla during this ride. Despite having faced several injuries at a very tender age- major injuries to the skull, back, hips, during which he encountered loss of speech but over the years regained his speech, but his right hand and right leg got spastic due to the injuries. His leg has recovered about 70 percent but his right hand has remained spastic and the spasticity has only increased. Nevertheless, none of it has stopped him from his passion of riding. Rahul says, “If i can, you can”, which is also the moto of this journey. Indeed, A man with tremendous guts attempting to create a World Record to Boost the Moral of the Handicap Society the world over.
Rider Dinesh Dawda, started to ride only after his heart attack. He is a fighter. He has to his credit over 80,000 kms of riding in India. Riding gives him a sense of freedom. He is a hospitality consultant with over 20 years of qualitative and enriching experience in Hotel and Restaurant Operation Management. A passionate rider, excellent cook and a strong team member.
Rider, Bhavin Kodiyatar (M.D), is an Assistant Professor, at the Medical College, Sir SSG Hospital,Vadodara. Dr.Bhavin Kodiyatar, a doctor by profession and a passionate rider who have been riding to all the corners of this country. He’s joined the team on this journey and will look after the health of the team to its Destination-ACE CAFÉ – LONDON.