Thief sentenced 3 months jail within 24 hours of incident

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Pune – In one of the fastest trial, a thief was sentenced to three months of imprisonment  within 24 hours after he was caught stealing mobile phones in train.

The incident took place at Pune railway station on Monday.

Dattu Govind Rawalkar (27), a labourer from Aurangabad, was boarding the general coach of Maharashtra Express around 11.10 pm, when the convict N Akash N Akash Nade (19) of Hyderabad, had stolen two mobile phones of Rawalkar and his friend.

After they raised an alarm, the on duty GRP and RPF personnel caught Nade and a case of theft was registered against him under section 379 of the Indian Penal Code at Pune GRP police station.

Nade was produced before the judicial magistrate court along with the chargesheet on Tuesday. After he pleaded guilty, the court sentenced him to three months of simple imprisonment and Rs 500 fine.