Times & Trends Academy gets ignited by the power-packed delivery of BSR

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Pune, Oct 2019: Times & Trends Academy made the typical Monday Mood into Monday Motivation with Life Coach and India’s No. 1 Breakthrough Strategist, Mr Bhupendra Singh Rathore. He addressed the students of TTA in the workshop ‘Live the Future You Want’. Various issues like confidence, choice, entrepreneurship, vision, setting up of goals, consistency to name a few; were addressed by him.

The young minds were ignited by his talk on the idea of Success, Three Pillars of Success and the How-What-Why of Vision. He made sure that the students understand not only to reach out to success but also know how to handle failures. He made the workshop very interactive where the students had both physical and intellectual engagement. The students participated in huge numbers sharing their thoughts, doubts and asked a load of questions. They made sure to take utmost advantage of this opportunity to take a step ahead for their brighter future.

In the quest to not only be a good technician or manager or an entrepreneur but a successful individual in every segment of life, this workshop was highly beneficial for the students. Mr Singh lifted the spirits of Gen Z and doctrine them with tried and tested success mantras.