Traffic Woes in Pune: Aam Aadmi Party’s Unique Protest Targets Signal System

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Warje, 8th February 2024: In a distinctive move to address the persisting issue of traffic congestion in the Shivne area of Pune, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) took to the streets in a symbolic protest and worship of a long-closed signal system.

For the past five years, the signal system in the Warje Division has been non-operational, contributing significantly to daily traffic snarls. The traffic gridlock typically occurs during peak hours from 8 am to 11 am and 6 pm to 9 pm.

City vice president of AAP, Nilesh Wanjale, expressed the belief that reactivating this signal system could alleviate the traffic congestion plaguing the area.

“Reviving the signal system installed five years ago could be a crucial step in easing the daily traffic woes faced by the residents of Shivne,” stated Wanjale during the protest.

The activists, representing the AAP, not only protested the closure of the signal system but also conducted a unique form of worship, adorning the inoperative traffic signal with garlands.

The symbolic gesture aims to draw attention to the ongoing challenges faced by commuters in the region, emphasizing the need for prompt action to address the traffic concerns.

As Pune continues to grapple with traffic issues, the AAP’s unconventional approach underscores the urgency of finding practical solutions to enhance the city’s overall traffic management.