Trains Delayed As Overhead Wire Trips At Pune Railway Station

Sumit Singh
Pune, 27th August 2022: At least five trains departed late due to overhead wire tripped at the Pune railway station.
According to Pune Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) Renu Sharma, the incident took place at around 7 am today. It was for one hour.
Due to OHE failure at Pune station,
from 07.12 hrs. To 08.15 hrs
following trains left late from Pune:
Tr. No. Sch.Dep. Act.Dep. Delay
1) 12124 07.15 08.22 67″
2) 12126 07.50 08.36 46″
3) 01560 08.05 08.42 37″
4) 12220 07.55 08.48 53″
5) 22498 08.30 08.58 28″