Universal Business School partners with EduSports to introduce MILES
A unique way to distress the students and ready them for future leadership, Universal Business School in Maharashtra has started MILES programme in the campus.
Universal Business School has partnered with Edusports to introduce a sports integrated program for its Bachelor and Masters students. One of the key objectives of MILES is to evaluate the impact of sports on social-emotional skills, a sense of self-efficacy of the students –who hadn’t or couldn’t participate in sports meaningfully in their preteens or adolescent years. Miles is a multi-sport program that is designed such that it is led and executed by students themselves.
“Young managers in most organizations today have a twelve hour workday, not including commuting time. This means that managers should be fit and have high energy levels. Sadly, 98% of the B-Schools in Mumbai do not have any play grounds to allow students to engage in sports,” said Tarun Anand, Founder of Universal Business School.
This can lead to health breakdowns, when young managers have to endure a twelve hour work day, in their corporate life. Partnering with Edusports, this programme integrates sports into the curriculum. The students engage compulsorily 3 times a week in sports ranging from Football, Cricket, Basketball, Volleyball, Touch Rugby, Badminton and Team games and have monthly tournaments.
The MILES program –
The benefits of the program are: –
Improves the health & fitness levels
Leads to development of leadership and social skills
Platform for observation & measurement of fitness and life skills
Job readiness of students
Having fun through sports and fitness activities
Along with this UBS along with EduSports measures the fitness levels via the Healthy Mindz Assessment and Fitness tracking report covering students Endurance levels, speed, flexibility, strength and adaptability to situations. This report is online and tracked to ensure that we provide healthy, fit and job ready students to Industry, who are able to play hard and deal with heightened levels of stress and most importantly to win and lose with a sportsmanship spirit.
Students are grouped into groups of 10 with a leader and hence we make teams who every week have to compete with each other in a sport for a month in a tournament format. So 15 teams are engaged every evening in a sport. Every month each team changes its sport from the available sports like Football, Cricket, Basketball, Badminton, volleyball, touch Rugby, Throw ball and Athletics.
As Universal Business School has a 40 acres campus all these facilities are flood-lit allowing students to play post dark ensuring a great camaraderie amongst students and ensuring a high energy participation in the classrooms.
They improve their health and fitness levels, develop essential team building and leadership skills, have fun whilst relieving stress and we measure their Endurance, Speed, Flexibility, Strength and Adaptability and give a report to the corporates, which give them a tremendous edge towards landing high paying opportunities.
Universal Business School has been set up by CEO s, who have headed multi-billion dollar multinational companies in over 100 countries.
Statistics suggest that the number of international students coming to India has gone up many folds.