Vishwakarma Publications presents Darpan by Sesh Damerla Reflecting the myriad faces of the Indian woman
Vishwakarma Publications launched their newest book, ‘Darpan’, penned by Sesh Damerla. on 16th October at Crossword at Senapati Bapat Road, in the presence of eminent guests, Mrs. Sunanda Mehta, Resident Editor of the Indian Express, and Shri R.V Krishnan of the BDB Group.
Indian society is changing at great speed, propelling women into many different roles at home and in the workplace. While women have traditionally been seen as the anchor of the family, as nurturers and supporters, today’s reality demands that their own identities and ambitions be recognized as well. Sesh Damerla, a teacher and trainer who is associated with several NGOs and women’s groups, has written a collection of stories that capture many different lives that women live, and how they emerge triumphant in their circumstances.
Several distinguished readers have praised this collection for its insight into the feminine psyche.
“Story telling has always proved to be the finest way of messaging subtly. These stories make the reader aware of how influenced in our attitudes we are by the lenses we have on our eyes. The other half of humanity is about to be released from its traditional status. A subtle change is going on. Bravo to Sesh Damerla”, says R. Gopalakrishnan, Director, Tata Sons Ltd.
“A book that talks about life as it is for every woman in this country.” says Sudha Menon, Author of Legacy and Gifted.
Sesh Rao Damerla has worked for many years as a teacher and trainer to upgrade the language and soft skills of students and managers in order to move from efficiency to effectiveness. She has been associated with NGOs that work for the upliftment of women, such as SPECTRUM, a ladies study group, Ashraya, Friends of Children and Akanksha. “My experiences provided the ideal ingredients for my development as a writer, as I learnt to observe, analyse and understand human behaviour and psychology”, smiles Damerla. The present collection of stories brings out her ability to depict themes and situations that readers will be able to identify with, with the sensitivity and imagination they deserve.
Priced at Rs.195/- the 150 pages book is a must read and will surely find a place in the book shelves of many avid readers.