24 hours hunger strike by Station Masters throughout Indian Railways

Mumbai : The All India Station Masters Association on Saturday went on 24 hours hunger strike throughout Indian Railways to express its displeasure towards Railway administration for not fulfilling its long pending justified demands.
Station Master plays crucial role in running of Railways and is called the Brand Ambassador of Indian Railways. For regulation of rail traffic and coordinating factor among various departments of Indian Railways, Station Master plays a vital role. Though, Station Masters work at big stations like Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkatta, New Delhi etc., at the same time they works at small stations also where there is no population at all with no basic facilities like education, medical etc. He is bound to work day and night at such stations, but Railway administration has been continuously ignoring the valid demands of Station Masters and they are forced to agitate for achieving their basic demands.
“Our justified and basic demands are being continuously overlooked by Railway administration. All India Station Masters Association works for the Station Masters and Station Masters are devoted for the Nation. Our association will conduct this Hunger fast throughout the nation to open the eyes of Railway administration without effecting train service”, states a press release from All India Station Masters Association.
What are their demands ?
1. Grant of Level 8 & 9 (GP 4800 & GP 5400) for SMs as per MACP norms, as consequent to
upgrading recruitment level revised as L-6 (4200 GP).
2. Abolition of EI classification for Station Masters throughout Indian Railways.
3. Safety/ Stress Allowance to SM’s to compensation to health hazards due to strenuous nature of job.
4. 15% posts in SM cadre to be converted into Group B (Gazetted) for better promotional
5. Posting of 2nd ASM’s at all stations where traffic density is on higher side.
6. Initial grade of SMs to be fixed at Level-7 to maintain the principle of “Supervisor above
7. Centralised accommodation for Station Masters posted at Stations where no basic facility is available.
8. Provision of rest room for relieving Station Masters.
9. Recognition to be accorded to All India Station Masters Association.
10. Promotion to Level 7 (SS/GP 4600) should be non-Selection, as was earlier.
11. Rationalise Night duty allowance rates Gradewise and prevent the heavy loss to staff especially those having less basic pay.
12. Abolish New Pension Scheme.