#9pm9minutes: Demand in Power Grid drops by 32000 Mega Watts within few minutes

Union Power Minister RK Singh at the National Power Monitoring Centre.

Union Power Minister RK Singh at the National Power Monitoring Centre.

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New Delhi, April 5, 2020: As crores of Indians switched off lights in their homes #9pm9minutes, the demand in electricity dropped by 32,000 Mega Watt (MW) from the power grid.

“While I was away with my officers monitoring the grid at the National Power Monitoring Centre during #9pm9minutes my family members were all together lighting diyas of hope and positivity for all of us”, tweeted RK Singh, Minister of State (Independent Charge) Power and New & Renewable Energy.

He also tweeted, “Demand in the grid came down by 32000 MW within a few minutes but the frequency and voltage was mantained within the normal range. The drop in national demand by 32000 megawatts shows a huge response of the nation to the call of the Prime Minister.

Huge response to Hon’ble Prime Minister’s call to switch off lights and light a lamp as a show of national solidarity in the fight against #COVID19.

The demand went down from 117300 Megawatts at 2049 hrs to 85300 Megawatts till 2109 hrs; that is a reduction of 32000 Megawatts. Then it started increasing. Frequency was maintained within a band of 49.7 to 50. 26 Hz, which means the voltage was kept stable.

The national grid operator POSOCO and the national, regional and state load despatch centres did a great job with support from all generators; NHPC, NEEPCO, THDC, SJVNL, BBMB, NTPC, all state gencos and IPPs, Transcos and Distribution companies and their officers and staff.

Congratulations to all of you. The national power system works as a team. INDIA stands together with the Prime Minister. Jai Hind!”

For 9 minutes beginning 9 pm, it was not Diwali but the experience of this moment was not less than Diwali. It was a Diwali of the resolve, dedication, support and cooperation of 130 crore Indians. On the call of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the entire nation together celebrated this nine-minute Diwali. This Diwali has also been a source of encouragement to health workers, police personnel and those involved in other essential services in the service of the people amid this epidemic.