Aadhar Card Will Be Mandatory For Vehicle-Related Activities, Notification Issued By Road Transport Ministry
Pune, 5th March 2021: Many contactless services have come into force for citizens after the Regional Transport Office (RTO) has been digitized. Now, in this line, the Addhar card has been made mandatory for all vehicle-related activities by the Union Road Transport Ministry.
According to the notification, every person availing services in the Regional Transport Office would need an Aadhar connection. Aadhar Card has been made compulsory for vehicle licensing, vehicle registration Apprentice License, Renewal of Non-Test Driving License, Double Driving License, Address and Other Changes on License, International Vehicle License, Temporary Registration of Vehicles Etc.
It has been clarified that people would need to attach an Aadhar card for services related to rent and purchase agreements. A no-objection certificate, transfer of ownership of the vehicle, change of address on the registration certificate, application for a license for training from an accredited training centre, etc., would also require Aadhar verification.
The Maharashtra State Motor Driving School Association has said, “the decision has been taken because of contactless service. We welcome the decision of the Union Ministry of Transport, and its implementation should start immediately.” Similarly, Raju Ghatole, president of the association, has demanded that the learning vehicle license should be issued digitally.