CAPA international documentary award presented to FTII student film in Moscow
Pune, October 9, 2019: An FTII documentary GLOW WORM IN A JUNGLE has been formally presented one of world’s most prestigious, CILECT Asia Pacific Association (CAPA) award.
Prof. Herman Van Eyken, Chairman,CAPA and Director, CILECT Executive Council presented the Award to Prof. G B Singh, Dean (TV), FTII at the ongoing CILECT World Congress in Moscow, Russia on Tuesday, 8th October 2019.
Prof. G B Singh and Dhiraj Meshram, Dean (Films) are representing FTII at CILECT (Centre International De Liason Des Ecoles De Cinema Et De Television– International Association of Film and Television Schools),a non-Governmental global association of Film schools, of which FTII is among the 180 member institutions from 65 countries. CAPA is the regional association of 28 acclaimed CILECT member schools of Asia-Pacific region.
This is the third time in a row that a FTII student film from Television course has won the CAPA Best Film Competition 2019. TV Direction student Vijaya Singh’s UNSCHEDULED ARRIVALS and TV Direction student Swapnil Kapure’s THIYYA are the earlier recipients of CAPA Awards.
Also a winner of National Award 2018, GLOW WORM IN A JUNGLE is directed by Ramana Dumpala, a 2017-18 batch TV Direction student.
Shot by Ravishankar Krishna, edited by Fareeda with sound by Naithik Mathew Eapen,
GLOW WORM IN A JUNGLE tells the story of Pune-based Hema Sane,a retired botany professor who loves plants and animals and has chosen not to use electricity ever in her life ! The documentary captures her moments and offers an insight into her inspiring life.
“The CILECT-CAPA prize is unique in that it is bestowed to a student film not by handful of jury members but by the whole community of 28 acclaimed CILECT member schools in the Asia-Pacific region.In most cases schools choose to include in the voting panels students, teachers and staff accounting to dozens of members in each panel. For some years now FTII’s TV Wing has been conspicuous with its spectacular successes. National Awards and international honours has brought the spotlight on the four TV courses, contributing in no small measure to a steady rise over the years in the number of candidates attempting admissions to TV courses in the Joint Entrance Test (JET)”, said Bhupendra Kainthola, Director, FTII.