Ceasefire Violations

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During the month of Ramazan i.e. from 17.05.2018 to 16.06.2018, 338 incidents of ceasefire violations/ cross border firings were reported in Jammu

and Kashmir as against 139 during the period of 16.04.2018 to 16.05.2018. The details of incidents of ceasefire violations/cross border firings from Pakistan along LoC/IB in Jammu and Kashmir alongwith the casualties of security personnel and civilians during the last three months are as under: –


No. of ceasefire violations/cross border firings

Casualties of Security Personnel

Casualties of Civilians





April, 2018






May, 2018






June, 2018






In the event of persistent cross border firings/ceasefire violations along LoC/IB by Pakistan, the people residing in the affected areas have to leave their homes temporarily. The affected families are shifted to safer places. They are provided all kinds of basic amenities like water, electricity, medical aid, etc. at the designated safe shelters.

Government has sanctioned construction of 14,460 bunkers, to mitigate the hardships being faced by people living on IB/LoC, due to cross border firing. Further, ex-gratia cash relief of Rs.5 lakh is given to next of kin (NoK) in case of death or to the victim of more than 50% disability. Compensation for housing damages/losses, crop losses, relief for stay at relief camps and displacement etc. to those affected by cross border firings are also given as per National Disaster Response Fund (NDRF) norms of assistance, fixed from time to time. However, for loss of milch animals, Rs. 50,000/- per milch animal is given for actual number of milch animals that have died due to Cross Border firing.

During the visit of the External Affairs Minister to Pakistan in December 2015, it was decided that Comprehensive Bilateral Dialogue on all outstanding issues would be launched. However, the terrorist attack on Pathankot Air Base on January 2, 2016 and subsequent intensification of cross border terrorism has prevented the initiation of such a dialogue.

India has repeatedly called upon Pakistan to abide by its commitment not to allow any territory under its control to be used for terrorism against India in any manner. Pakistan has also been asked to take effective actions to end terrorism and dismantle terrorist infrastructure on the territory under its control. The Government has clearly stated that the onus is on Pakistan to create a conducive environment free of violence, terrorism and hostility for addressing all outstanding issues through a bilateral dialogue.

This was stated by the Minister of State for Home Affairs, Shri Hansraj Gangaram Ahir in a written reply to a question in the Lok Sabha today.