Celebrations of International Yoga Day at Pune
Pune : As a part of Celebrations of International Yoga Day on 21/06/2019, the Regional Outreach Bureau, Pune, organized a mega event “PUNE YOGA STREET” at Sarhad chowk road, Pune in co-ordination with National Institute of Naturopathy, Pune, Nehru Yuva Kendra, Pune, W.C.D., ICDS department, Ekata Yoga Trust. About 3500 participant from various NGO’s, Schools participated in this mega Event. The Participation of huge nos. of females and students made this event as grand success.
Sh. D. J. Narain, Addl. Director General, R.O.B., Pune and Dr.K. Satya Lakshmi, Director, NIN, Pune were the chief guests of the event. In his speech Sh. Narain briefed on importance of yoga practice in daily life, where as Dr. Satya Lakshmi emphasis on the tag line “yoga for heart”. An event inaugurated by flying of air balloons with yoga messages. Before the main programme, a skit and song on yoga performed by the artistes of ROB, Pune.
An hour long disciplined Yoga practice was performed by the more than 3500 participants and guests under the guidance / demonstration of the experts from NIN.
Sh. Santosh Ajmera, Director, Sh. Bharat Devmani, Assit. Director, Dr. J.V.Panpatil, Manager and Sh. Sunil Dahake, Admn. Officer from ROB,Pune, Dr. D. Satyanath , CMO, NIN and Sh. Nana Nivangune, President Ekta Yoga trust were present on the occasion.