CID will investigate the fraud in precious jewelry and ancient coins of Tuljabhavani temple – Deepak Kesarkar

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Mumbai, 20.June.19: Home Minister, Deepak Kesarkar has informed the Legislative Council that a special inquiry would be conducted by the Crime Investigation Department (CID), to investigate the fraud of precious jewelry, offered valuables things and ancient coins in the treasury of Goddess Tulja Bhavani.

He was answering the question raised by Dr. Nilam Gorhe, about fraud in treasury of Tuljbhavani Devasthan and dacoity at Vajreshwari Devi in Bhiwandi taluka.

Mr. Kesarkar said that a three tier inquiry committee headed by Additional Collector, has been set up to investigate the black market of the ancient coins, gold and silver articles, precious ornaments of Kulaswani, Tuljabhavani Devasthan. After getting the report from committee, CID would investigatre the case if required. Concerned persons and officers during 2001 to 2005, will be called for theinquiry.

A complaint has been registered at Thane rural police in the case of robbery of Vajreshwari Devi temple in Bhiwandi taluka. Rs 7.10 lakhs and computer monitor of rs 2000 have been stolen in the robbery. Six accused have been arrested in this case and two accused are absconding. Rs 3.19 lakh cash, two motorbikes, weapons have been seized from these arrested accused. Further investigation is going on.

Director General of Police has ordered to all Police Commissioner, Superintendent of Police to take strict action to control the robbery in temples and religious places. If the demand of security guard for the temples trust will be provided to them by the Maharashtra Security Force.

Members Ravindra Phatak, Prof. Jogendra Kawade, Girish Vyas, Dr. Manisha Kayande took part in this discussion.