Delhi NIPUN learning App and Delhi Police Training Website launched by Commissioner of Police
TheCommissioner of police, Delhi Shri Amulya Patnaik launched the e-Learning Portal of Delhi Police namely“NIPUN” at the Conference Hall, PHQ, today. Through this initiative Delhi Police shall beusing advanced technology in imparting in-service training to its personnel.
Theportal aims to give online training and information through specialized coursesdesigned by experts in the field. With online resource like Law, StandingOrders, Investigation Checklists, Forms for case files, latest High Court and SupremeCourt rulings being made available online, it is envisioned that theInvestigating Officers will be able to take the benefit of this informationduring the course of their duty.
Theflexibility of taking courses anytime, anywhere will now make it possible for policepersonnel to upgrade their skills and re-enforce their learning while balancingtraining time with work time. Based on the feedback and training needs thecourses will be tailored to meet the needs of our Investigating Officers andothers.
Manyof the courses have been developed in-house while others have been through collaborationwith University Grant Commission, FICCI, NHRC, NCPCR and Janaki Devi Memorial College,Delhi University under the project CLAP “The Collaborative Learning andPartnership”. Further the Delhi Legal Service Authority has also consented tobe partner in developing specific courses for Delhi Police.
TheWebsite of Training Division of Delhi Police has alsobeen launched today. Aimed at facilitating information sharing between the facultyand the trainees at the Police Training Institutes of Delhi Police, the websiteprovides the training syllabus, study material, sample question papers,manuals, law and much more. This isaimed at giving online access to relevant information to the police personnelundergoing their basic training. With increasing number of computer literatepolice personnel entering the service, the Website not only will provideinformation but also act as a tool for feedbackmechanism and bridging communication gap.
TheCommissioner of Police applauded the efforts of Training Division in usingTechnology to reach out to large number of police personnel which is essentialto update and keep up with the changes in law. Further, the infrastructure development to cater to training of a largebatch of seven thousand constables in a very short span of time wasappreciated.
Appreciatingthe Training of Trainers Course on Yoga being conducted by Training Division incollaboration with Morarji Desai Institute of Yoga, Ministry of AYUSH, theCommissioner of Police emphasised the importance of Yoga in everyday livingespecially for police personnel. Suchcourses will go a long way in reducing stress in the police force with positiveoutlook and attitude & deliverance of better policing. With more such courses we shall be able totake Yoga to our Police Stations for the personnel at the grass root levelwhich shall not only improve productivity but also keep them mentally andphysically fit.
Spl.CsP Rajesh Malik, Sh. S Nithianandam, Sh. Taj Hassan, Sh. Sandeep Goel, Sh. RSKrishnia, Sh. SK Gautam, Sh. Sanjay Singh, Sh. Vivek Gogia, Ms. Nuzhat Hassan,Sh. RP Upadhyaya, Sh. Virender Singh, Sh. Satish Golchha, Jt.CsP and DCsP werepresent on this occasion.