Delhi Postal Circle – Apply for 174 Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) Vacancy

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Delhi Postal Circle has called for application for the post of 174 Gramin Dak Sevak (GDS) in Postal Divisions, RMS Divisions in Delhi Postal Circle.

You can apply Online before 12 July 2019.

The Job Profile of Dak Sevaks will include all functions of viz sale of stamps and stationery, conveyance and delivery of mail and any other duties assigned by Postmaster/Sub Postmaster including IPPB work in the Departmental Post Offices/RMS. However, the work performed for IPPB will not be included in calculation of TRCA, since the same is being done on incentive basis.He may also have to assist Post Masters/Sub Postmasters in managing the smooth functioning of Departmental Post Offices and do marketing,

business procurement or any other work assigned by the Post Master or IPO/ASPO/SPOs/SSPOs/SRM/SSRM etc. In Railway Mail Services(RMS), GDS has to handle the work related to RMS, like, closing/opening of bags, transport of bags from one place to other manually and any other works alloted by the RMS authorities

A candidate can apply for a maximum of twenty posts all over India per cycle of online engagement. This inter alia means that a prospective candidate can apply for twenty posts on a single application spread across one Circle or several Circles. This cap of twenty posts is inclusive of vacancies arising in candidate’s home Circle. Home Circle means belonging or native / domicile state of a prospective candidate in which he is permanently residing and that Postal Circle is providing opportunity. Hence, candidates should exercise due care while utilizing the twenty choices available to her/him in each Cycle. However, only one post will be offered for each Circle if she/he has applied for one or more posts in each Circle.

How to apply:- Only online application will be accepted from the candidate. Candidate who desires to apply online will have to register himself / herself in the portal through or with effect from 06.06.2019 to 12.07.2019 with the following basic details to obtain the Registration Number:-

i) Name (In capital letter as per X class certificate Marks Memo including spaces)

ii) Father Name

iii) Mobile Number (Unique for one Registration number)

iv) Date of Birth

v) Gender

vi) Community

vii) PH – Type of Disability – (HH/OH/VH)- Percentage of disability

viii) State in which Xth class passed

ix) Board in which Xth class passed

x) Year of Passing Xth class

xi) Xth Class Certificate Number / Roll Number (optional)