Vacancy for 43 stipendiary trainees  for training in nuclear recycle board, Kalpakkam & Tarapur

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The Government of India, Department of Atomic Energy, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) has invited online applications for stipendiary trainnes (category II) FOR TRAINING IN NUCLEAR RECYCLE BOARD (NRB), BARCF, KALPAKKAM & NRB, TARAPUR CATEGORY-II STIPENDIARY TRAINEES :

The openings are for the post of Plant Operator , Laboratory Assistant , Fitter / Welder / Turner/ Electrician / Instrument Mechanic/ Electronic Mechanic/AC Mechanic

For detailed advertisement visit our website or

Total duration of training period : Two years Stipend during training : Rs 10500/- per month for the 1st year and Rs 12500/- for the 2nd year.

CRITERIA: 1. AGE LIMIT: Minimum 18 Years and Maximum 22 Years as on 07.08.2019.


Upper age limit prescribed above is relaxable as per the Government Rules in vogue :

  • Upto a maximum of Five years for SC candidates.
  • Upto a maximum of Three years for OBC candidates.
  • Relaxation in the upper age limit of 5 years shall be admissible to all persons who had ordinarily been domiciled in Kashmir division of the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from the 1st day of January, 1980 to 31st day of December, 1989.
  • Relaxation in the upper age limit of 5 years shall be admissible to the children/family members of those who died in the 1984 riots in India.
  • Widows, divorced women and women judicially separated from their husbands and who are not re-married are eligible for relaxation in the upper age limit as per Government orders.
  • Age relaxation is not applicable for SC/ST/OBC candidates applying against Un-reserved (UR) posts or EWS posts.

PHYSICAL STANDARDS: Minimum Height: 160 cms. Minimum weight : 45.5 Kg (Relaxable if the candidate is otherwise medically fit)

SELECTION METHOD: The selection process will consist of test in 3 stages. (Stage 1 & 2 – Written Test and Stage 3 – Trade /Skill Test). There will be negative marking in the written Examination for incorrect answers.

Stage 1- Preliminary Test : Questions will be on Mathematics, Science and General Awareness.

Stage 2- Advanced test : Candidates clearing Preliminary Test will be eligible for appearing in Advanced Test (Questions will be from the respective trade).

Stage 3- Trade /Skill Test: Only for those candidates who have cleared the Stage-2 test and will be on go/no-go basis.

SCOPE OF TRAINING: Selected candidates will be given training at NRB, Kalpakkam & NRB, Tarapur in various aspects of relevant trades, as per prescribed syllabi of each trade and for meeting stringent requirements of NRB, Kalpakkam & NRB, Tarapur. The candidates will not have any choice/option for any particular training programme/training place.


ABSORPTION AFTER SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION OF TRAINING: Upon successful completion of training, trainees will be considered for absorption in the following grade at the time of appointment depending on their performance during the period of training and interview to be held at the end of the training. Stipendiary Trainees Post Level in the Pay Matrix Entry Pay Category-II TECHNICIAN/B Level 3 Rs 21700 TECHNICIAN/C Level 4 Rs 25500 In addition to entry pay, allowances will be admissible under Central Government Rule applicable for class ’Z’ city.

BOND: Selected candidates will have to execute a bond to complete the training and serve NRB, Kalpakkam or NRB, Tarapur or any of the constituent Units of DAE, if offered appointment after the training, for a period of 3 years after absorption. A trainee who fails to complete the training or serve the Government for 3 years, if offered appointment, will be liable to pay to the Government a sum equivalent to aggregate amount of stipend received by him during the period of training along with interest thereon.