Detailed enquiry will take place if complaint of fraud in Professors recruitment process – Ravindra Waykar

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Mumbai, 21.June.19: Minister of Higher and Technical Education, Ravindra Waikar said in the Legislative Council that detailed enquiry will take place if a complaint of fraud has been made, in the process of recruitment of the professor in the state college and strict action will be taken against those found guilty in this matter.

He was replying a note suggested by member Dr. Manisha Kayande , about fraud in the process of recruitment of professors in the state funded colleges.

Mr. Waykar said that the government has approved 100 percent vacant posts of Principals of non-government aided colleges in the state. Restrictions on filling up vacant posts of recognized unaided aided colleges under the chairmanship of Higher Education Directorate attached to the unaided universities of the state have been relaxed. Accordingly, total 4738 posts of Assistant Professor and Physical Education Director -139, Librarian-163 and Laboratory Assistant -856 have been approved, and the recruitment process is going in the state.

“Before filling up the vacant posts, no objection certificate is given to the process after deciding reservation according bindunamavali. Nowhere to register for vacant posts, 119 organizations / colleges have been issued no objection certificates. Some of these colleges have started the recruitment process by sending advertisements. It will also be decided to conduct interview video for prevention of malpractice in the process of recruitment”, informed Waykar.