Facebook, WhatsApp romeo arrested

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Pune : A 20-year-old engineering student has been arrested for allegedly making fake profiles on WhatsApp and Facebook to cheat various girls.

The arrested accused has been identified as Shrishailya Marbigi, a resident of Sangli.

According to Sinhgad road police station, the accused would download photos of girls and phone numbers from Facebook and  send them messages on WhatsApp to stalk them.

Police officials said that Marbigi has added 430 girls in his Facebook profile and was in communication with 22 girls on WhatsApp. Police has seized 6 sim cards from the accused.

The accused was arrested after a complaint was lodged by a girl from Sinhgad Road area, whom the accused harassed for accepting his proposal.

 With the help of girl, police laid a trap and called the accused to Pune and arrested him.