Fittr coach Sarina Pani wins the coveted title of IFBB Pro

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Delhi, 7th 2021: Sarina Pani, a chubby and dusky girl who struggled with self-esteem issues during her childhood and adolescence, has now become an inspiration to others by receiving the coveted title of ‘The International Federation of BodyBuilders (IFBB) Pro’ at the 2021 International Health, Sports & Fitness Festival (IHFF).

The ex-Infosys employee Sarina recognised the necessity of keeping a healthy lifestyle after her husband and she both suffered from a variety of health issues.  There was no turning back after that, and she pursued Zumba certification and became a part-time licensed instructor shortly after. After juggling between her round-the-clock job with Infosys and part-time Zumba trainer, she eventually decided to pursue her passion for fitness and became a full-time nutrition and training coach with Fittr.

With her dedication and hard work, in January 2021, she also won the Fit Factor Female Fitness Model and Beach Body Female competition.

She is now pushing herself to new heights to win accolades for India and wishes to inspire all females of the country.