‘Global Shakespeare’ international conference in Pune
PUNE: The English Department of St. Mira’s College is hosting an International Conference entitled ‘Global Shakespeare’ on the 16th and 17th of December to commemorate the 400thanniversary of perhaps the greatest dramatist and one of the best poets in the English Literary tradition.
The Department intends this International seminar, Global Shakespeare, to bring together academics, scholars (teachers and students), actors, producers, theatre and film enthusiasts as well as Shakespeare fans to a vibrant and spirited interaction on the plays and poems which the world loves to love.
On the 16th we have some eminent Shakespeare scholars who will be addressing the audience on different interesting aspects of Shakespeare’s works followed by the reading of research papers by teachers and students of English literature. We are looking forward to an animated and fruitful discussion and debate.
The Conference will conclude on the 17th with a theatre experience, open to the participants of the conference as well as to the general public of Pune. Mr. Salim Ghouse, an internationally acclaimed actor will present a solo performance, ‘Shakespearewallah’ that consists of a brilliant stringing together of the bard’s most famous speeches.
Conference Fee: Rs.600/-
Play Ticket : Rs. 500 / Rs. 200 (Available on ‘Book my Show’ or at the Registration Desk)