KITS student’s device helps Munnar resort save manpower and time
Alex J Timothy
Assistant Professor, EMT, Karunya Institute of Technology & Sciences, Coimbatore
In the recent past I was taking up an ADD ON COURSE on Internet of Things (IoT) and I used to engage students in experiential learning by giving them real time problems to solve and also encouraged them to find a local problem and provide engineering solutions for the same using IoT. Mr. S. Robin from 3rd ECE said that after this his attitude towards education changed and he started looking for problems to solve using his skills in IoT wherever he went.
Mr. S. Robin visited the PTL valley resort with his parents in Munnar on a weekend vacationing and during which he found out that they were facing much trouble in switching on a water pump for which they had to travel 3 km uphill and wait there until water gets filled in resort and then power it off. They had to do the same 2-3 times a day by deputing a person and it was really tiring process as well as demanded lot of time and effort for the same. Mr. S. Robin immediately knew this problem was easily solvable by IoT and found an opportunity to solve the same and make someone’s life better as well as credit a product to his name.
Mr.Robin approached me stating the problem and started seeking smart solution for the same using IoT. I could identify his zeal and commitment to solve the problem. We then started brainstorming on possible solutions to the problem after study hours in the hostel till late night. It was a challenging task keeping in mind the climatic conditions and the interior location of the power segment lessening the connectivity of network.
After one and a half months of Ideating, designing, testing, validating and reworking again and again we finally made a working prototype ready. Mr. S Robin now excited with his innovation went to the resort in Munnar, and installed the same. Mr. S Robin had made an IoT system to remotely switch On and OFF the motors using GSM module and Arduino board. Thus Looking at the innovation of this young engineer to M/s PTL valley resorts Pvt.Ltd were so grateful and highly impressed with the developed product and insisted upon installation of the same. The product was finally installed and I am glad to say that its up and running perfectly fine .The resort personnel are now using our smart system everyday to switch on/off the water pump from the resort itself without travelling 3 km uphill anymore.
I feel so enthralled to see that the seeds sown in a students life in whatever possible means is bringing fruit in due season and if we tirelessly work towards the Vision and Mission of our University we can reap great benefit.