Ladshakhiya Wani Samaj announces changes in some old Traditions
Pune, November 25, 2018: The second day of mega gathering of Ladshakhiya Wani Samaj portrayed the community as truly progressive by ruling out some of the old traditions and modifying them to suit current times. The Mega Conference of the Ladshakhiya Wani Samaj held at Marunji concluded today. People of the community were present in large numbers.
This resolution was structured by Dr. B T. Badhan and read by Sachin Bagad, Dr. Jagdish Chinchore and Dr. Ushashri Bagde who are members of the specially formed committee for this purpose. On this occasion Kailash Wani, Chairman of the organizing committee of this mega community gathering, Shyamkant Shende, Treasurer, Anil Chitodkar, Shyamkant Kotkar, Nilesh Purkar were present. The community representatives and audience unanimously agreed to the announced resolutions taking the community ahead on the path of social reforms.
The committee calls these resolutions as preventive, curative and operative measures for better functioning of the community and step towards continuing the tradition of being a progressive society.
When it comes to marriage, initially, the proposal was sent from Bride’s side to the Groom. But now as per this new resolution the wedding proposal can go from either side. As far as the pre and post wedding rituals are concerned the committee declared that engagement related activities should be done at same place and same day, preferably at the Groom’s side since most of the other marriage related functions happen at Bride’s side. It was unanimously decided that the tradition of Dowry in any format needs to be stopped. Moreover, marriage expenses shall be equally borne by both Bride and Groom’s side.
Massive gifting which is prevalent in the community during various religious functions would be stopped here on. Most importantly, the community will now set up a counseling mechanism to reduce the number of divorce cases happening in the community. This mechanism will comprise of a group of successful and well experienced personalities from the community who will undertake this counseling for the couples and their families.
Also, the committee declared few resolutions and changes for the last rites too. One of the resolution mentioned that after the death in the family, condolence session should be organized either on the 5th day or the immediate next public holiday. The other religious last rites done on the 10th, 12th and 13th day could be done only by the close family members. Gifting in any form during these rituals would be stopped.
Similarly, it should be avoided to carry on the ash immersion ceremony in any water body, especially rivers. Instead, the committee suggested burying the ash at some convenient place and plant a seed on it that would further be nurtured into a tree. Further empowering the females, the committee said that now they can also give water to the corpse.
Initially, during the day mega gathering experienced enlightening sessions from Hamantrao Gaikwad and Shantilal Mutha