Medical conference in Pune to focus on research and strategies aimed at improving health care delivery in armed forces 

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            The 64th Annual Armed Forces Medical Conference, including the 54th Armed Forces Medical Research Committee (AFMRC) Meeting is being organized at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune from 02 to 05 Feb 2016, under the overall supervision of Lt Gen A K Nagpal, VSM, Director & Commandant. This conference is the largest gathering of armed forces medical personnel in the country.


AFMRC is a unique conference, where Military Medicine experts from academic institutions, hospitals and field areas, representing all specialities in medical science meet and discuss a wide array of professional issues concerning the Armed Forces Medical Services. This year, AFMRC will focus its attention on highlighting research and innovations that are aimed at improving quality of healthcare provided by the Armed Forces Medical Services.


            The conference, which is the highpoint of the annual academic calendar, will be formally inaugurated by Lt Gen B K Chopra, Director General, Armed Forces Medical Services on 03 Feb 2016. AFMRC will also deliberate on contemporary issues and challenges facing health care establishments of the Armed Forces Medical Services.


            On 02 Feb 2016, awards for academic excellence will be presented to personnel of the Armed Forces Medical Services. This will be followed by presentation of award winning AFMRC projects. Other sessions will include meetings of the Armed Forces Medical Academic Committee, AFMC Management Committee, MJAFI Governing Council and Governing Council of AFMS (O) Fund.


            At the core of the deliberations will be the 54th Annual meeting of Armed Forces Medical Research Committee (AFMRC) on 03 and 04 Feb 2016. This forum provides direction and impetus to medical research in the Armed Forces. This year more than 250 new research proposals will be discussed.


            There will be two guest lectures by eminent personalities from the field of medical science. A session devoted to presentation of award winning research papers published during 2015 is scheduled to be held on 04 Feb 2016.


On 05 Feb 2016, Specialists Conferences will be held separately by Departments of AFMC for practicing specialist officers of their respective disciplines. They will also review completed AFMRC Projects of their own disciplines. There will a special session devoted to perspective challenges where medical administrative issues will be discussed with a view to improving quality of health care as well as development of human resources within the AFMS. The deliberations will conclude with a closing address by the DGAFMS.


The first AFMRC was organized in 1953. Over the years the conference has gradually expanded in scope to become a forum for planning, evaluation and implementation not only of research but also innovations in health care. While the principal focus of research is related to the requirements of the Armed Forces, the results achieved are made available to all health care professionals.

The high standard of health care provided to the Armed Forces personnel and their families, in war & peace is the result of a carefully planned and controlled system of optimum utilization of resources to benefit the largest number of patients.