MSBTE Organized State Level Pharma Vision Technical Paper Presentation Competition 2018-19
Pune :
Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai organized Pharma Vision 2018-2019“A State Level Student Technical Paper Presentation Competition”conducted by M.C.E. Society’s Institute of pharmacy (Diploma), Azam Campus, camp Pune recently.
As 33 teams, participated from various Institutes from all over Maharashtra.
The paper presentation program was followed by prize distribution ceremony by the hands of Hon.VijayKolhe(Dy. Secretory, MSBTE, Pune)
Arati Anusing Rajput and Shweta Sanjay Kadam (Anil Alias Pintu Magdum Memorial Pharmacy College, Shirol-Kolhapur)got first prize in competition.
Shivam Ravindra Andholkar and Rushikesh Dyaneshwar Aaru second prize. Kajal Kisan Kumthekar and . Monika Suresh Gunjal Consolidated prize.
Latif Magdum(Hon. Secretary, MCE Society, Pune)&Prof. lrfan Shaikh (Hon. Joint Secretary M.C.E Society, Pune) enlightened the function.
Dr.V.N. Jagtap (Principal, Institute of Pharmacy, Diploma) welcomed the guests
VijayKolhe (Dy.Secretory, MSBTE, Pune), congratulated MCE IOP for organizing such various activities of MSBTE. He congratulated the institute for NBA Accreditation.
The jury’s and scrutiny members from various colleges such as Dr. Amol Shah (Principal Shri. SitabaiThite College of Pharmacy, Shirur-Pune), Dr. S.V. Deshpande (Principal Dr. D.Y. PatilInstt. of Pharmacy, Akurdi-Pune) Mr. G. Swami (Principal RMP’s BhalchandraInstt. of Pharmacy, Pune) Dr. R.R. Wake (Principal Lokseva College of Pharmacy , Haveli-Pune) Mr.M.B. Jograna ( Lecturer Poona District Education Ass.SShankarraoUrsal College of Pharmacy , Pune) Mr. Jawale Pravin (Senior Lecturer Bharati Vidyapeeth’s Institute Of Pharmacy, Erandvane-Pune )Mr. AniruddhaDadkeMr.P.P.Hamber (JaywantraoSawant Institute of Pharmacy, Tathawade-Pune) were present