Need To Focus On Asymptomatic COVID Patients: ICMR
Pune, 4 April 2021: The Indian Medical Research Council ( ICMR) warned about asymptomatic patients that they can be hidden super-spreaders of the Coronavirus in the country. There is a need to give more attention to those patients said the experts.
In India, 69 percent of the total Covid-19 positive people do not show any symptoms of the virus infection. Such patients can’t be identified until they have tested. In various cases, the symptoms can not be seen for seven days even though the person is infected. In such a case, these asymptomatic people can spread the virus widely, if not isolated. People who came in contact can get infected, the condition may be worsened in the case of a senior citizen. Therefore the ICMR suggested paying more attention to such asymptomatic patients.
Pune Divisional Commissioner Saurabh Rao also expressed the need to pay more attention to asymptomatic people, in a recent press conference.
Necessary precautions:
– If a person came in to contact with an infected person, he/she should immediately test himself/ herself
– an asymptomatic patient can stay in home quarantine according to the doctor’s advice.
– Maintain a 6 ft distance from the family members. Use 3 layered masks.
– Use a mask and maintain a safe distance at public places.
– People with co-morbidity must avoid going to crowded places.
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