Noise polluters will be charged hefty fines; repeated violation can cost Rs 1 lakh fine: Central Pollution Control Board
Mrunal Jadhav
Pune, August 28, 2020: In a bid to control the rising noise pollution in the country as well as in its capital, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has created a ‘rate card’. The board has warned that those who will not follow noise limits will face hefty fines, as well as their equipments will be sealed. The CPCB has submitted the noise limit report to the National Green Tribunal (NGT).
As per the Noise Pollution Control Regulation 2000, the noise limits have been fixed areas wise and the noise of various cities is measured by the CPCB. The increasing noise pollution has caused serious health problems. A petition is filed in this regard in Delhi, the NGT had ordered the CPCB to submit a report of the amount fine which should be collected from those who are responsible for causing the noise pollution. The board has submitted a report which contains rules on the causes of pollution and the amount to be charged to the violators.
In residential areas, compensation has been fixed considering various issues like firecrackers noise, the sound of loudspeakers, sound of construction machinery, sound of generators. The maximum fine limit is fixed at Rs 1 lakh. Chief Justice Adarsh Kumar Goyal of the National Green Tribunal has also approved the report.
“The penalty fixed by the CPCB should be implemented across the country. The new rate card of fines should be circulated to the state administrations and instruct them to implement it,” said Goyal.
What are the rules and charges?
– A penalty of Rs 10,000 for installing speakers in public places above the limit, avoid speaker system
-Diesel generator larger than one thousand kVA capacity will be fined Rs 1 lakh if responsible for noise pollution, avoid generator
-If the machinery in the construction project makes more noise than the set norm in the concerned area, fine of Rs 50,000 will be charged and the machine will be sealed.
– A fine of Rs 1000 for bursting firecrackers in a residential area after night and Rs 3000 will be charged to burst firecrackers in a silent area.
– Rs 10,000 for bursting firecrackers in public processions; also, a fine of Rs 20,000 for bursting firecrackers during a procession in a residential area.
– For repeated offence, the fine will be doubled. Also, a person who does not pay the fine even after breaking the rule twice will be fined Rs 1 lakh and their equipment will be sealed.
Limits for the noise in the daytime
Location limit (in decibels): Day (6am to 10pm) – Night (10pm to 6am)
Industrial Area : 75 – 70
Commercial sector : 65 – 70
Residential area : 55 – 45
Peace zone : 50 – 40