PMC To Remove Unnecessary And Illegal Speed Breakers From Pune City

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Pune, 24th February 2023: Speed breakers have been built on many roads in the city. However, the standards of the Indian Roads Congress (IRC) were not followed while constructing them. Different speed breakers are built on every road, often causing accidents and traffic jams. Keeping this matter in mind, the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has decided to remove unnecessary speed breakers in the city. Accordingly, the PMC is surveying the speed breakers in the city.

Through this survey, information about the exact number of speed breakers in the city and whether they are constructed scientifically will be understood. Based on the survey, the unwanted speed breakers will be removed. This work has been undertaken by the Road Department of the PMC.

The city has about 1,400 km of roads, and the newly incorporated villages also have about 500 to 600 km of roads.

The Municipal Corporation is trying to provide better roads in the city after the roads were damaged during the rainy season last year. As a part of that, new roads will be made in the city from scratch.

During the survey for this, it has been pointed out that many roads and speed-breakers have been installed incorrectly. Keeping in mind that rainwater will not be obstructed, as per Indian Roads Congress standards, the Municipal Corporation has prepared a separate policy for speed breakers. According to this policy, unnecessary footpaths and speed breakers will be removed. Also, new ones will be constructed as per the standards.

In the city, speed breakers are installed by the Road Department, Project Department, and the Ward office. The Municipal Corporation does not have any data on the total number of speed breakers in the city and whether they are constructed as per Indian Roads Congress standards or not.


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