Production Level In Companies Reaches 72% In Pune District: MCCIA Survey 

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Pune, November 3, 2020: The seventh survey conducted by MCCIA during the Covid times on ‘Resumption of Economic Activity’, has found that production level in companies has gone up to 72% in October. More than 175 organisations participated in this survey from Pune District.

Current level of Production: On an average, the surveyed companies said that their current level of production has gone up from 55% in September to 72% in October 2020.

Employees Working: On an average, the surveyed companies said that the number of employees working has gone up from 68% in September to 77 % in October 2020.

Future expectations: The surveyed companies were also asked about when their production levels were expected to be the same as they were in January 2020. 30% of the companies said their production was already at pre-COVID levels. 11% of the respondents now said that they expect their production levels to go back to the pre-Covid levels in less than 3 months. 28% of the respondents said they expect it to take between 3 to 6 months, 16% said it would take between 6 to 9 months, 3% said it would take beyond 9 months and 11% were uncertain.

Profile of respondents: The distribution of organisations surveyed from micro, small, medium and large scale organisations was 27%, 33%, 17% and 22% respectively.

66% of the organisations surveyed were from the manufacturing sector, 16% from the services sector and the rest were involved in both manufacturing and services.

“In the MCCIA monthly survey on Economic Recovery in Pune Region, we are very glad to see a substantive jump in economic activities from Sept to Oct, especially among the MSMEs. We need to cross the hump of the possibility of second wave uncertainty due to winter to benefit from the further reduced levels of uncertainty. We are on the right track but important to not forget about some sectors and employees who are disproportionately impacted by the pandemic e.g. MSMEs unbanked by the formal sector,” said, Sudhir Mehta, president, MCCIA.

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