Nirbhay Adarsh Manch organized a public meeting with police at Gurudwara Colony, Lohegaon today on 11 June 2016 where Senior Police Inspector, Mr. Sanjay Naik Patil welcomed by Manch as he has taken over charge of Vimantal Police Station few days back. Mr. Patil briefed people about peaceful celebration of religious functions and security aspect due to Air Force Station nearby which is very sensitive. He also assured people to support and do the all necessary steps to maintain law & order in jurisdiction of Vimantal Police Station.
Mr. Binod Kumar Ojha, President: Nirbhay Adarsh Manch and RTI Activist also addressed the people about awareness of various aspect related to Police and same time requested In charge of Vimantal Police Station to instruct their officers and staff to take care of people according to law and respect specially with senior citizen and ladies. He assured people for full support in case any corruption and injustice reported to Nirbhay Adarsh Manch. He requested people to participate in development activities of our area and city.