Pune: Biannual Deworming Drive Aims to Shield 2.8 Million Children in Maharashtra

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Pune, 13th February 2024: The Maharashtra state is set to kickstart a deworming campaign targeting children aged one to eleven, aiming to combat the potential health risks associated with worm infestations.

Medical experts emphasize the significance of this preventive measure, as worms can elevate the likelihood of various health issues in children, including anemia, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite, malnutrition, and hindered growth. Administered biannually by the state health department, in collaboration with the education, woman, and child welfare departments, the deworming pills are provided to children in September and February.

As part of this year’s campaign, children who miss the initial dose on February 13 will receive the medication on February 20. On the designated day, approximately 2,80,00,000 children will be administered deworming pills across 1,10,944 anganwadi centers and 1,27,849 schools and colleges throughout the state. Medical officers, teachers, and other personnel have undergone training to effectively carry out this initiative.

To ensure accurate dosage based on age and weight, children will receive either half or a whole tablet, to be taken with food or water. The administration method varies, with options to crush and dissolve the pill or allow the child to chew it directly, depending on their age.