Pune: Birth Rate Of Female Child Increases In Pune City; PMC Gives Credit To Awareness Campaigns
Pune, February 11, 2021: The rate of female childbirth rate has increased in Pune city. The Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) has recorded an increase from 904 in 2019 to 946 in 2020. The PMC health department official cited that an effective awareness campaign of PMC as the reason behind the development.
According to data shared by PMC regarding the gender-wise birth ratio, the city has seen a surge in the number of female birth in the city. The awareness campaign and strict implementation of the prohibition of gender testing act are seen as the reason for the growth. The authorities conducted an awareness campaign among various societies, self-help groups, and different IT companies.
“The rise in the birth rate of the female child is pleasing for our officials,” said Kalpana Balivant, head of PCPNDT department of PMC.
The birth rate of the female child in the last few years:
2016 – 932
2017- 926
2020- 946