Pune: BJP MLA, Ex-Corporator Beat Up Water Supply Department Officials For Action Against Illegal Tap Connections
Pune, 16th April 2022: Officers of the Lashkar Water Supply Department were beaten up by former Shiv Sena and BJP corporators as well as a BJP MLA after the action was taken against illegal tap connections at Bibwewadi on the pipeline supplying water from Padmavati pumping station to Bibwewadi seminary tank. The officials were made hostage till one of the illegal connections was restored.
To supply water to Bibwewadi and Kondhwa area, water is supplied to the Bibwewadi seminary tank from Padmavati. Lashkar Water Supply Department officials noticed that two two-inch pipelines from the main aqueduct supplied by the Seminary Tank Pump from Padmavati were directly connected to the aqueduct leading to the Bibwewadi area under Swargate Water Supply Department. They approached the Swargate Water Supply Department but they were told no such work had been done by them.
Therefore, the Lashkar Water Supply Department took action against these two illegal connections and it was closed on Thursday (April 14). After learning this, BJP MLA from Pune Cantonment constituency Sunil Kamble, former BJP corporator Mansi Deshpande and former Shiv Sena corporator Bala Oswal along with 30 to 40 of their supporters entered the Seminary Tank area. Deshpande and her supporters started threatening the employees by throwing stones and picking up sticks. MLA Kamble slapped the Deputy Engineer. This frightened the staff and officers. They were also threatened to restore the illegal connection or be detained for two days.
Meanwhile, Maharashtra Navnirman Sena’s Pune city president Sainath Babar arrived at the spot and saved the officials from assault.
Frightened by the beatings and threats, the officers and staff contacted the senior officials of the water supply department. The Chief Water Supply Department officer instructed them to restore one of the two illegal water connections.
“In the Gangadham area, illegal plumbing has been provided by the authorities for many years. Complaints have been lodged with the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) in this regard. We did not beat any staff”, said MLA Kamble.
Former corporator Mansi Deshpande said that they only stopped a JCB which was at work and no staff was beaten.