Pune: Jarange Patil’s Persistent Efforts For Maratha Reservation Garner Government Attention, Chief Minister Expected To Meet Through Video Conferencing

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Lonavala, 25th January 2024: In a significant development, the ongoing battle for Maratha reservation spearheaded by Manoj Jarange Patil has gained momentum, attracting the attention of the Maharashtra state government which has sent two delegations to Lonavala for discussions. The possibility of Maratha community members obtaining reservations is a key topic of discussion.

Sources reveal that Chief Minister Eknath Shinde is expected to engage in an online interaction with Jarange Patil, demonstrating the government’s interest in addressing the concerns raised by the Maratha community.

Jarange Patil, speaking to the media, stated, “A delegation has arrived on behalf of the government for discussions. However, my priority is to engage with the Maratha community first before dialoguing with the delegation. Two delegations are present—one old and one new. The divisional commissioner, part of the old delegation, is also here for a visit. I urge everyone to wait until I discuss the matter with the Maratha community. Meanwhile, all vehicular movement will be halted.”

Emphasizing the community’s steadfast commitment to their demands, he asserted that if the delegation aligns with the interests of society, they are open to dialogue. However, if not, the community is prepared to take their concerns directly to Mumbai.

He further announced that the Maratha community plans to march in Mumbai on the 26th of January, making their demands more visible. He expressed a resolute determination to secure a reservation, stating, “We just need to get a reservation, anywhere will do.” He indicated that the movement is not confined to a particular location, be it Lonavala, Navi Mumbai, or Azad Maidan; the primary goal is to achieve the long-awaited reservation.