Pune Metro Extends Permission For Bicycles: Safety Guidelines In Place

Pune Metro Extends Permission For Bicycles: Safety Guidelines In Place
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Pune, 3rd September 2023: In response to a recent viral video on Instagram depicting a young man traveling with a bicycle on a metro, Pune Metro has clarified that bicycles are indeed permitted on their services. However, there are specific guidelines and rules that passengers must follow when carrying bicycles on the metro.


Passengers are allowed to bring bicycles on board, but the bicycle should be carried by hand, and sitting on the bicycle while inside the metro is strictly prohibited. Passengers are also responsible for ensuring that their bicycles do not obstruct or inconvenience other travelers. Riding a bicycle within the metro station or on the platform in a manner that disrupts other passengers is against Pune Metro regulations and may result in appropriate action being taken.


“Pune Metro earnestly appeals to all passengers to refrain from engaging in such activities or stunts and to use the metro services in a considerate and responsible manner. Your cooperation ensures a safe and enjoyable travel experience for everyone”, metro officials have appealed.