Pune: Opposition Not To Men But To Patriarchy – MANS
Pune, 16th March 2022: Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmulan Samiti (MANS) today organized a workshop stating, “Opposition to the patriarchal system but not against men. It is not our intention to replace patriarchy with motherhood, we want to bring equality”. The workshop was organized by the Shivajinagar branch of MANS.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Shivajinagar branch of MANS had organized a workshop for the activists in a participatory and interactive manner. The workshop was conducted by Jayshree Nalge, taluka co-coordinator of Mahila Sarvangin Utkarsh Mandal (Masum), and activist Yogesh Dhende.
State office bearers Vishal Vimal, Atul Savakhande, District Working President Sanjay Bari, Branch President Vanita Phalke, Working President Vinod Kharatmol, Secretary Shyam Yenge, Joint Secretary Arihant Anamika, Akurdi Branch Secretary Swapnil Walunj were present on this occasion. The trainees were given participation certificates by the dignitaries.
The family begins to form a boy – a man, a girl – a woman and to create masculinity in them. “Therefore, children should be treated equally within the family,” said Jayashree Nalge. Family, religion, government, media, markets are the pillars of patriarchy. “If we are prepared to reject what is imposed from this very place, the journey towards equality will begin,” said Yogesh Dhende.
The program was moderated by Madhuri Gaikwad. The dignitaries were welcomed by Namrata Oval, Akash Chhaya. Songs were performed by Mayur Patare, Pradnya Savakhande, Pallavi Savakhande, Gargi Biradwade. The guests were introduced by Parikrama Khot. And Vote of Thanks was delivered by Arihant Anamika.