Pune: PCMC Commissioner Faces Criticism Over Pending Files

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Varad Bhatkhande

Pimpri, 5th January 2024: The Commissioner and Administrator of Pimpri Chinchwad Municipal Corporation (PCMC), Shekhar Singh, is under scrutiny as files awaiting his signature pile up in the commissioner’s hall, raising concerns about the ‘zero pendency’ initiative.

Despite being in charge for the past one and a half years under administrative rule since March 13, 2022, Commissioner Singh seems to have overlooked the ‘zero pendency’ initiative, designed to ensure the timely completion of administrative tasks. Reports suggest that officers often wait for hours in the waiting hall just in front of the Commissioner’s office, only to have files signed with a cursory glance, leaving questions about the importance of the documents.

The absence of office bearers and corporators in PCMC has added to the challenges. With the responsibility of various critical matters falling solely on the Commissioner, a backlog of 60 to 70 orders from each department is currently pending. Additionally, representations from citizens and organizations continue to accumulate, contributing to the rising number of unresolved matters.

The absence of corporators led to expectations of a more dynamic administration. However, reports suggest that officials are struggling to manage the administration in the absence of clear guidance. Residents express disappointment as Commissioner Singh and many officers are reportedly missing from the office.

Avinash Waghmare, Coordinator of the Central Vigilance Committee in Pimpri-Chinchwad, remarked, “For a month now, the small shop transfer file has been residing in the commissioner’s hall, awaiting the commissioner’s signature.”

When contacted, PCMC Commissioner Shekhar Singh told Punekar News, “It’s a routine process. Most of the time, disposal happens quickly. Occasionally, due to events or other factors, file work may take a back seat, even though critical files are regularly addressed.”

Responding to concerns about the apparent absence of many officers and commissioners in PCMC, Singhexplained, “My office ensures daily attendance of all Heads of Departments at 10-10:15 am through their landlines, and I track that report. Regarding my presence, it’s a combination of meetings, site visits, some engagements in Mumbai or Pune, and office attendance. As senior officers, not coming to the office without reason is the last thing we do.”

However, concerns persist among citizens and officials, questioning the efficacy of the administrative regime as critical files remain unattended. The ‘zero pendency’ commitment, supposed to be a hallmark of the administration, is facing scrutiny as people hope for a more responsive approach to pending matters.