Pune: PMC Demolishes Encroachments By Koregaon Park Restaurants And Shops

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Pune, 1st January 2024: A coordinated effort by various Municipal Corporation departments on December 30 (Saturday) successfully addressed the issue of encroachments in Koregaon Park. The action targeted sheds and concrete structures infringing on the front and side margins of buildings, with a substantial 7,300 square feet of unauthorized construction demolished.

In lane number 6 and 7 of Koregaon Park, shopkeepers and hoteliers had extended their premises, leaving no room for essential functions such as parking and raising concerns about security. The joint operation conducted by the Building Development Department, Anti-encroachment Encroachment Department, and Sky Sign Department under Dhole Patil Ward Office aimed to rectify this situation.

The removal operation involved the use of 2 JCBs and a dedicated team comprising 10 policemen, Maharashtra Security Force personnel, and 5 employees from the anti-encroachment department. The collaborative effort not only reclaimed public space but also addressed potential safety hazards caused by the encroachments.