Punekars Fined Rs 14 Crores For Helmetless Riding By Pune Traffic Police In 2023, Check More Details Here

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Sumit Singh

Pune, 10th February 2024: Pune traffic police have released a report detailing the most common traffic violations in the city in the year 2023. The report shows that riding without a helmet, causing danger or obstruction to other users of public places, and speeding are the top three violations committed by drivers.

According to the report, riding without a helmet by both the driver and pillion (passenger) is the most common violation, with a total of 287,174 challans issued and a total of Rs. 141,918,000 collected in compounding fees. This is a worrying trend as helmets are essential for protecting riders from head injuries in the event of an accident.

The second most common violation is causing danger or obstruction to other users of public places or passengers by allowing the vehicle to be abandoned or to remain at rest on any public place. A total of 266,380 challans were issued for this violation, with a total of Rs. 151,397,000 collected in compounding fees. This violation not only causes inconvenience to other road users but also poses a safety risk.

Speeding is the third most common violation, with 94,499 challans issued and a total of Rs. 187,720,000 collected in compounding fees. This is a serious violation as it not only endangers the life of the driver but also other road users.

Other common violations include jumping signals, failing to produce a valid license, not stopping before the stop line, driving without side mirrors, and driving on the wrong side of the road. These violations not only pose a safety risk but also cause inconvenience to other road users.

The report also highlights the importance of wearing seat belts while driving. A total of 14,361 challans were issued for driving without a seat belt, with a total of Rs. 2,848,400 collected in compounding fees. This violation is particularly dangerous as it increases the risk of serious injury or death in the event of an accident.

The report also shows that many drivers use tinted glasses or black film on their windows, which is a violation of the law. A total of 13,928 challans were issued for this violation, with a total of Rs. 12,307,000 collected in compounding fees. This violation not only makes it difficult for other road users to see inside the vehicle but also poses a safety risk as it reduces visibility for the driver.

The report also highlights the importance of properly displaying number plates on vehicles. A total of 13,083 challans were issued for broken number plates, with a total of Rs. 7,831,500 collected in compounding fees. Properly displaying number plates is important for identifying vehicles involved in accidents or other incidents.

The report also shows that many drivers transport goods in an unsafe or dangerous manner. A total of 8,827 challans were issued for this violation, with a total of Rs. 9,040,000 collected in compounding fees. This violation not only poses a safety risk to the driver but also to other road users.

In total, the report shows that 1,093,653 challans were issued for various traffic violations in the year 2023, with a total of Rs. 781,910,500 collected in compounding fees.

The report highlights the need for drivers to follow traffic rules and regulations to ensure the safety of all road users.