Pune’s Flood Woes: Citizens Rally To Halt River Beautification Projects

Pune's Flood Woes: Citizens Rally To Halt River Beautification Projects
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Pune, 23rd July 2023: The increasing number of unlimited permits for river beautification projects and unauthorized constructions along the riverbeds pose a significant threat to Pune, leading to reduced water storage capacity and increased flood risk. Environmental activist Sarang Yadavadkar stressed the urgency for public awareness regarding this critical issue.


In association with Lokayat and Pune River Revival, a river-walk event was organized today, attracting over 50 concerned citizens. The participants explored the riverbed near Bund Garden, discussing the current state of the rivers in Pune and the potential consequences of upcoming projects.


Pune hosts five rivers with seven dams, and during heavy rainfall, the irrigation department releases excess water. The escalating impact of global climate change has led to intensified rain, cloudburst events, and increased flood risks. Any encroachments or constructions along the river bed and banks could worsen the flooding situation in the city.


Yadavadkar highlighted the Pune Municipal Corporation’s disregard for these concerns, pushing forward with construction under the guise of “river beautification projects,” despite government reports acknowledging the potential risks.


“The public consensus among Pune citizens supports halting these hazardous projects by exerting pressure on the government and authorities to prioritize flood prevention measures. Cancelling the river beautification project is viewed as a crucial step to safeguard Pune from potential flooding disasters”, he added.