Restructuring of RPF and Policing in Railways
RPF supplements the efforts of GRP by deploying its staff for escorting of important trains in affected areas and access control duties at important and sensitive stations. Besides, the following steps are being taken by the Railways to provide maximum security to passengers:-
1. An Integrated Security System consisting of surveillance of vulnerable stations through Close Circuit Television Camera Network, Access Control etc. have been sanctioned to improve surveillance mechanism over 202 sensitive railway stations.
2. On vulnerable and identified routes/ sections, 2300 trains (on an average) are escorted by RPF daily, in addition to 2200 trains escorted by GRP of different States daily.
3. All the ladies special trains running in Metropolitan cities are being escorted by lady RPF constables.
4. The ladies compartments in suburban trains are being escorted by RPF and GRP during peak/non peak hours. Staff deployment is made during late night and early morning in suburban trains to ensure better security to the lady passengers.
5. Joint drives by RPF/GRP and Commercial Department are conducted from time to time against the unauthorized entry of passengers in trains and railway premises.
6. RPF holds regular coordination meetings with State Police and GRP besides sharing of intelligent inputs with Intelligence Bureau and other intelligence agencies of State.
7. Security Helpline No.182 is operational over Indian Railway for the security related assistance to passengers in distress.