SBI Announces Vacancies For 1400 Posts; Check Details Here

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Mumbai, 30th December 2022: The State Bank of India (SBI) is accepting online applications from Indian citizens for the contractual hiring of retired SBI executives and staff as well as former Associates Banks of SBI (e-ABs) for several positions.

The official SBI advertisement states that more than 1400 positions would be filled. The deadline for online application registration is January 10, 2023.

The positions and vacancies are:

1. Collection Facilitators (Department of Credit Monitoring): 940 positions

2. 498 vacant positions for retired clerical staff

1438 total posts

The remunerations are:

Grade of the retired officers/staff

Clerical: Rs.25,000 per month

JMGS-I: Rs.35,000 per month

MMGS-II & MMGS-III: Rs.40,000 per month

For other details, visit the official SBI website.