Sharp decline in Coronavirus Positive cases in Pune today

Corona Pune
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Sumit Singh
Pune, April 9, 2020: After continuous rise in Coronavirus positive cases everyday, there has been sharp drop in new cases today in Pune district. Yesterday, there were 197 positive cases which increased by 7 and total number of positive cases has reached 204 today.

According to health department officials, three patients died due to the deadly virus in Pune today. Out of 204 positive patients, a total of 21 have died while 30 have been cured and discharged from hospitals. The data includes 22 positive cases from PCMC areas and 12 out of 22 have been cured and discharged.

According to Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) Additional Commissioner Rubal Agarwal, PMC is doing rigorous contact tracing, testing and monitoring with treatment and focus on training. So tracing n testing, treatment on time can reduce mortality rate.

PMC sample data analysis

Jan-Feb = 61 sample . 0+ve
March =937 sample . 40 +ve
April (1-8)= 974 sample. 101+ve .. 42 awaited.

Corona updates from PMC April 9 (4.30 pm)

Total admissions 1815
Negative _ 1594
Negative Discharge – 1594
COV positive cured & discharged – 18 ( Naidu 16 , Sahyadri Nagar Road hospital – 1 and Bharati Hospital – 1)
Admit but stable – 195
Critical – 1 ( Sahadri karve road )
PositiveProgressive- 143
PMC – 135
Rural – 7 + 1 (Thane)=8

15th day sample sent- 0
Inconclusive Sample 0
Total passengers 3270
Under surveillance passengers – 1316
Surveillance completion (14days of incubation period consider) – 1954

Still in Hospital Positive patients – 118
1) Naidu – 105
2) SH – karve – 01
3) K.E.M – 05
4) Jehangir – 03
5) Poona Hospital – 01
6) DMH – 2
8) Sahyadri Hadapsar – 1

Sassoon Hospital
a) Positive progressive – 39
Up Till Now,
Total Death Progressive=
Sassoon 13 + 1 Aundh civil + 1 DMH , 1 Naidu – 2, Noble – 1 Inamdar , Jehangir 1, and 1 Sahyadri Karve road = 21
up till now Total progressive positive = PMC 135+ 8 Rural + 39 Sassoon = 182

Corona updates from PCMC 9.04.2020

Time – 5.00 P.M.

Case summary

1. Total admissions 627
2. Samples collected 627
3. Negative _565
4. Result awaited – 40
5. Discharge 577
6. Admit but stable – 50
7. Critical – 0
8. Total Positive till date – 22
9. Total Sample Inconclusive _ 0

10.Total passengers 1887

11. Under surveillance passengers – 569

12. Surveillance completion (14days of incubation period consider) – 1318

13. Admitted in quarantine 17
All Asymptomatic

14.Discharged after declared cure 12

15. Positive pts still in hospital 10, in YCMH , all asymptomatic

16.samples from
(1 DYP )