State Level ICT Instructors Training Workshop Held at PAI ICT Academy 11 Computer Instructors Felicitated at PAI ICT Academy

3 June 2019, Pune:
11 Computer Instructors From PMC and other schools were awarded with cash award 10 thousand each and Felicitated at Maharashtra Cosmopolitan Education Society’s PA Inamdar Information and Communication Academy(PAI ICT).Total 31 instructors successfully completed summer vacation training of computer software and hardware.This training was conducted from 1st May to 16th May 2019 and felicitation ceremony held on 31st May 2019 at Azam Campus(Pune Camp).
Out of theses 31 instructors ,top 11 instructors were felicitated based on their performance.They felicitated at hands of Dr.P.A.Inamdar( President,Maharashtra Cosmopolitan Education Society) and toppers were awarded Rs10,000/- each .This felicitation ceremony held at Azam Campus(Pune Camp).Dr.PA Inamdar appreciated the work done in the field of Advanced technology during this training workshop and appealed instructors to guide poor and backward students in field of Computer technology. All these instructors are from PMC Schools and 74 labs of PAI ICT and other campuses from different cities of Maharashtra.This training will help to improve knowledge of 7500 students of state.
Mumtaz Z.Sayyed ,Director,PAI ICT organized the training schedule, and guided the PAI TEAM Shabana Sayyed , Arif Sayyed , Shamsher Sayyed , Pankaj Shinde ,Nazim Shaikh,Alia Sayyed,Nikhat Shaikh .This team trained 31 computer instructors .Second batch also trained during this summer